DRC: Appeal Hearing In Vital Kamerhe's Case Set For September 18th #rwanda #RwOT


On September 18th next week, former strong chief of staff Vital Kamerhe and two co-accused will appear before judges for an appeal hearing at the Kinshasa Penitentiary Reeducation Centre (CPRK), formerly Makala central prison.

Vital Kamerhe, Samih Jammal and Jeannot Muhima Ndole, all three convicted in this case, have been notified as to this.

The all-powerful chief of staff of the head of state, Kamerhe, had lodged an appeal against the judgement of the Gombe tribunal de grande instance which sentenced him on June 20 to 20 years of hard labour for embezzling public funds.

The Kinshasa / Gombe Court of Appeal had once again referred the case. The next hearing, which will be the fourth in the series, is set for September 18.

However, Kamerhe is not in good health- he was evacuated to a health centre outside prison in the capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo. His personal assistant Michel Moto had mentioned blood pressure problems and contamination with Covid-19.

According to his relatives, his condition has stabilised and in recent days he has had several exams. He However, in a rumour circulating on social media, it is claimed that Kamerhe is allegedly sneaked to a house belonging to his wife along Uganda avenue (avenue Ouganda) next to Joseph Kabila's house GLM.

Republican guard soldiers who protect Joseph Kabila's house next door categorically refused the inspectors to come and leave Madame Amida because they know that Vital Kamerhe is inside.

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